
Our kennels were designed for your dog's comfort, safety, and cleanliness. Each kennel is floor to ceiling, four feet
wide by six feet deep. We have a few larger kennels available which two or three dogs from one family can share.
The bottom half of each kennel is aluminum paneling to give your dog privacy and a feeling of security especially
at night. The top half and front of the kennel is wire mesh which allows airflow for heating and airconditioning and
your dog can see their neighbours without contact at a safe distance. It also allows them to take an interest in
all that is going on about them and our staff can check on the dogs and talk to them as they work in the kennel.

The generous excercise runs your dog will be using have large trees that shade them and they have a gorgeous view of the
pond. The outdoor runs have gravel ground cover to provide good drainage for dog waste. The runs are six feet wide and
thirty feet long, built with wire mesh. Each dog has its separate run. Several times a day each dog is called by name and
walked to the excercise run. They are outside for approximately 45 minutes, depending on the weather. The exercise times
provide fresh air, sunshine and plenty of activity and personal attention. We have provided a safe and interesting
environment where your dog is not left out of the active kennel life for long periods of time, except at night, when
peace and quiet are appreciated.